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Changing the World

Students should use makerspaces to change the world

Makerspaces and 3D printers are all the rage in schools around the world. At the recent ISTE Conference, it seemed that every other session...

Turning Grease Into Fuel

Cassandra Lin, a Westerly 7th grader, found the solution to many problems at once when she co-founded Project T.G.I.F (Turn Grease Into Fuel). While attending...

“You have changed Poland, you have changed the world. I love you very, very...

  In the fall of 1999, a rural Kansas teacher encouraged three students to work on a year-long National History Day project which would:   Extend...

Where a Street Had No Name

For years, the road that ran behind Irwin Elementary School in East Brunswick, NJ had no name. The road led into the school's brand...

Raising Money for a Cause? Give Up Your Birthday!

Sometimes, changing the world costs money. Your project may be to raise money to donate to a cause, or you may be completing a...

What’s More Awesome Than Chocolate Bars?

When Dylan Siegel learned that his best friend had a rare liver disease in 2012, he decided to do something about it. He wrote...

An Intrepid Young Soul

In the fall of 2010, 11-year-old Mallory Fundora put only one item on her Christmas wish list: She wanted money to help orphans from...